Wild Ginger Wellness

Metaphysical Services

Complement your journey with tools to heal the soul and nourish your intuition
Pink Stone on a Person's Hand
Using a blend of systemic learning and intuition, we will tap into the universal consciousness that links us all. There are standard spreads that we can use for simple questions and situations, but for more personalized and specific needs, we'll determine exactly what it is that you need guidance on with a custom spread. Conducted in person or remotely, you will experience how the tarot can help you tap into your subconscious and intuition to guide you on your journey. This can help provide you with clarity and meaning and when used regularly, it strengthens your intuition and relationship with your highest self.
Women Sitting on Floor Doing Meditation and Relaxation
One of the most commonly missing pieces of holistic care is that of the spiritual. It's a very individual piece of the puzzle and looks different to everyone. This can range from learning about and implementing practices to honor the divine being of your choice all the way to finding your own definition of meaning (i.e. not some grand plan as dictated by a deity or 'the universe') . The tools and techniques we use will vary based upon your personal preferences and systems but will generally include journaling, use of tarot, recognizing synchronicities, chakra balancing, and more. It's this connection to something larger than ourselves (even if that manifests as service to community and nature to create a better world) that makes spiritual coaching so potent.
wellness, massage, woman
Reiki comes from the words "rei" which means "higher power" and "ki" which is "life force or energy". It's a form of energy healing that helps to alter a persons biofield so that their bodies can better heal themselves. The Reiki practitioner is considered a conduit for the healing energy to flow through and to the recipient. This practice uses a gentle approach in which the hands are laid on or just above specific areas of the body in order to positively influence the biofield. It's believed that reiki helps balance the recipient's energy field, and as that occurs, it facilitates it's own healing process. Reiki is used for a multitude of purposes, but research studies have shown great efficacy in treating anxiety, depression, and pain.
Close up of Singing Bowls
Have you ever experienced a specific sensation when listening to certain types of music? This is because specific frequencies of sound have been found to alter our brain waves. This can result in feeling more alert, relaxed, less anxious, emotional openness, or deep sleep. Being surrounded by these vibrations can help to induce an improved sense of healing without requiring hands on treatment. These sounds are created though singing bowls, chimes, and pyramids that create a specific note or frequency

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone and everyone with an open mind and desire to find the modalities that foster growth and healing within their lives. 

There is a large movement right now to increase the studies of metaphysical practices. Due to increasing demand and preference from patients, hospitals around the world are including integrative and complementary practices like Reiki into their facilities. The exact mechanisms of these modalities is still unclear a lot of times, but there is an increasing body of evidence that points to them working nonetheless.

That’s a huge misconception about tarot. I take an analytic approach to it rather than a predictive. Nothing is set in stone, but the tarot can show you the way the energy, people, mindsets, etc. could potentially unfold in it’s current course. This does not make for a self-fulfilling prophecy, however, and it’s used rather to illuminate aspects of a situation so that you can use your intuition and intellect to consciously choose how to move through it.

I don’t personally believe that a reading can apply to anyone/everyone. I focus on personalized readings and even though I may show what cards and energies are at play in my personal life as examples, it’s not something I feel applies to everyone who sees it. I will sometimes also include an oracle or tarot draw in my yoga classes and healing circles because the people present are there for a reason and have similar aspects that have drawn them to that gathering. But at the same time, I believe that while there may be an overarching theme for a small group, each individual within that group will draw a card to see how that energy works specifically with them.

Person Holding a Tarot Card

Tarot helps us look within ourselves to understand our emotions, the reasoning behind our words and conduct, and the source of our conflicts. The cards do not tell us what to do. Rather, they help us think about our problems from a different perspective and, like a diagnostic tool for decision making, help chart a road map for the solution

Bennebell Wen Author - "Holistic Tarot"