Wild Ginger Wellness


Flourish Over 50 1-Week Kickstart Guide

Struggling to get the ball rolling when it feels like an uphill battle? This 1-week kickstart guide is a great way to learn about the components of holistic health and how your can integrate everything into a healthy lifestyle. It includes a meal plan, workouts, journal prompts, and education on topics like whole foods, increasing strength, and setting goals. 


It’s like a bite sized sample of what it’s like to work with me as a coach. So go ahead, get started on your wellness journey with this free guide and start flourishing after 50!


    70 to Me Mini Guide & Tracker

    You’ve probably heard of “70 Hard”, but this version of a 70-day challenge is one that is designed to inspire you to develop the habits needed to  become the healthiest, more balanced version of yourself. It’s completely custom as it walks you through the process of determining who you want to be in 70 days and the habits you need to get there. It’s just not about diet and exercise. It’s a look at many life areas that allow you to find what is most important to YOU on your journey. The beauty of this is that it also encourages you to listen to yourself – your needs, your abilities, and your limitations to tweak your goals as you go with the compassion necessary to grow holistically on your own path.

    This is a sample of what it’s like to work with me as a coach and a great way to get in touch with yourself and the vision you’d like to create.