Wild Ginger Wellness

Yoga Guidance

My personal journey wouldn’t be anything without yoga and meditation. It has helped get me out of some very low points and I always turn to it to keep me growing. After practicing for about 15 years, I decided to pursue becoming a teacher. I always say that we are eternal students on this path, and as a lifelong learner, I’ve pursued different styles, knowledge paths, and skills. I’ll continue to do so for as long as I’m able.


Yoga isn’t just about the poses. It doesn’t matter if you’re flexible or stiff, strong or weak, large or small bodied. Yoga is for EVERY BODY because the poses are only one small part of it. I don’t believe in the ‘workout’ of Yoga because it is instead a “work-in” that encompasses uniting our mind, body, and soul through learning, meditation, lifestyle, thoughts, and actions. I teach not just a flow class, but I incorporate the philosophy of Yoga into my classes and my private students receive in-depth guidance, “homework”, and supplemental teachers to help them really grow in their path.


What to Expect

Frequently Asked Questions

Pink Water Lily Flower on Water
Can I do yoga if I'm not flexible?
Flexibility as a requirement is a huge myth perpetuated by the 'influencers' of the west. Yoga was never solely about the asanas and regardless of flexibility, strength, etc., you can benefit from the practice. All poses can be tailored to your needs and ability levels so that you stay safe while being able to fully embody your practice
Am I able to practice yoga if I'm not Buddhist or Hindu?
Absolutely! Yoga is open to everyone regardless of belief system. There are many forms of yoga with some being more spiritually based than others, but I teach it as a system to know and honor your body while seeing the interconnectedness of everything in the hopes that you'll live your yoga both on and off the mat
What should I wear?
Anything that you are comfortable in, covers you, and lets you move in all directions. I've had students wear everything from spandex shorts, to leggings, to sweats, to pajamas! I don't advise anything excessively baggy as you may end up adjusting them a lot
Do I need any special props?
Props are great for modifying the pose to fit your needs, whether that means giving some extra support, helping you extend your reach, or even deepening a pose. It will be specified in the class description if you need to bring your own or if they will be supplied.
Can I eat before class?
The general recommendation is to wait for an hour or two after eating before practicing yoga. The inverted and twisting poses could cause discomfort otherwise